Guided Reading Activities 1-3 Types of Government

The three branches of the U.S. government are the legislative, executive and judicial branches. According to the doctrine of separation of powers, the U.S. Constitution distributed the power of the federal authorities among these three branches, and congenital a organisation of checks and balances to ensure that no one co-operative could become besides powerful.

Separation of Powers

The Enlightenment philosopher Montesquieu coined the phrase "trias politica," or separation of powers, in his influential 18th-century work "Spirit of the Laws." His concept of a authorities divided into legislative, executive and judicial branches acting independently of each other inspired the framers of the U.S. Constitution, who vehemently opposed concentrating as well much ability in any one body of government.

In the Federalist Papers, James Madison wrote of the necessity of the separation of powers to the new nation's democratic government: "The aggregating of all powers, legislative, executive and judiciary, in the same easily, whether of 1, a few, or many, and whether hereditary, self-appointed, or elected, may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny."

Legislative Co-operative

According to Commodity I of the Constitution, the legislative branch (the U.S. Congress) has the primary power to brand the state'south laws. This legislative ability is divided further into the 2 chambers, or houses, of Congress: the House of Representatives and the Senate.

Members of Congress are elected by the people of the U.s.a.. While each country gets the same number of senators (ii) to represent it, the number of representatives for each country is based on the state'southward population.

Therefore, while in that location are 100 senators, at that place are 435 elected members of the House, plus an boosted six non-voting delegates who represent the District of Columbia as well every bit Puerto Rico and other U.S. territories.

In order to pass an human action of legislation, both houses must pass the same version of a bill by majority vote. One time that happens, the pecker goes to the president, who can either sign information technology into law or decline it using the veto ability assigned in the Constitution.

In the case of a regular veto, Congress can override the veto by a ii-thirds vote of both houses. Both the veto power and Congress' ability to override a veto are examples of the system of checks and balances intended by the Constitution to foreclose any one branch from gaining likewise much ability.

Executive Co-operative

Article Two of the Constitution states that the executive co-operative, with the president equally its head, has the ability to enforce or bear out the laws of the nation.

In addition to the president, who is the commander in chief of the military machine and head of state, the executive co-operative includes the vice president and the Cabinet; the Land Department, Defence Department and thirteen other executive departments; and diverse other federal agencies, commissions and committees.

Unlike members of Congress, the president and vice president are not elected directly past the people every four years, but through the balloter college organization. People vote to select a slate of electors, and each elector pledges to cast his or her vote for the candidate who gets the virtually votes from the people they represent.

In addition to signing (or vetoing) legislation, the president tin can influence the land'south laws through various executive deportment, including executive orders, presidential memoranda and proclamations. The executive branch is also responsible for carrying out the nation's strange policy and conducting affairs with other countries, though the Senate must ratify any treaties with foreign nations.

Judicial Co-operative

Commodity III decreed that the nation'due south judicial power, to use and interpret the laws, should be vested in "1 supreme Courtroom, and in such inferior Courts as the Congress may from time to fourth dimension ordain and establish."

The Constitution didn't specify the powers of the Supreme Courtroom or explain how the judicial branch should be organized, and for a fourth dimension the judiciary took a back seat to the other branches of government.

Just that all changed with Marbury five. Madison, an 1803 milestone case that established the Supreme Court's ability of judicial review, past which it determines the constitutionality of executive and legislative acts. Judicial review is another fundamental example of the checks and balances arrangement in activeness.

Members of the federal judiciary—which includes the Supreme Court, 13 U.S. Courts of Appeals and 94 federal judicial district courts—are nominated by the president and confirmed by the Senate. Federal judges hold their seats until they resign, die or are removed from function through impeachment by Congress.

Implied Powers of the Three Branches of Regime

In add-on to the specific powers of each co-operative that are enumerated in the Constitution, each branch has claimed certain unsaid powers, many of which tin overlap at times. For example, presidents have claimed sectional right to make foreign policy, without consultation with Congress.

In plow, Congress has enacted legislation that specifically defines how the law should exist administered by the executive branch, while federal courts have interpreted laws in ways that Congress did non intend, drawing accusations of "legislating from the bench."

The powers granted to Congress past the Constitution expanded greatly after the Supreme Courtroom ruled in the 1819 example McCulloch 5. Maryland that the Constitution fails to spell out every power granted to Congress.

Since then, the legislative branch has often causeless additional implied powers under the "necessary and proper clause" or "elastic clause" included in Commodity I, Section 8 of the Constitution.

Checks and Balances

"In framing a regime which is to be administered by men over men, the keen difficulty is this: You must commencement enable the authorities to control the governed; and in the next place, oblige information technology to command itself," James Madison wrote in the Federalist Papers. To ensure that all three branches of authorities remain in residual, each branch has powers that can be checked past the other two branches. Here are ways that the executive, judiciary, and legislative branches continue i some other in line:

· The president (head of the executive co-operative) serves as commander in master of the military forces, only Congress (legislative branch) appropriates funds for the military and votes to declare war. In add-on, the Senate must ratify any peace treaties.

· Congress has the power of the purse, as it controls the money used to fund any executive actions.

· The president nominates federal officials, just the Senate confirms those nominations.

· Within the legislative co-operative, each firm of Congress serves as a check on possible abuses of power by the other. Both the House of Representatives and the Senate take to pass a bill in the same form for information technology to go law.

· Once Congress has passed a neb, the president has the power to veto that bill. In turn, Congress can override a regular presidential veto by a two-thirds vote of both houses.

· The Supreme Courtroom and other federal courts (judicial branch) can declare laws or presidential actions unconstitutional, in a process known as judicial review.

· In plough, the president checks the judiciary through the power of engagement, which tin be used to alter the direction of the federal courts

· Past passing amendments to the Constitution, Congress tin can effectively cheque the decisions of the Supreme Court.

· Congress tin can impeach both members of the executive and judicial branches.


Separation of Powers, The Oxford Guide to the Us Government.
Branches of Authorities,
Separation of Powers: An Overview, National Conference of Country Legislatures.



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